Relations with BPD people
can be extremely chaotic due to their "emotional storms" and
They are unable to have
a "normal" life, spouse, childrens, friends with "real" lasting relationships
Their life is a true suffering
because they show to the entourage an appearance of "normality". For peoples
suffering from this disorder, behavin like "everybody else" for any length
of time is a role which they act, whereas they are in a state of
real distress.
At one time, you may have
come across a person suffering from this personality disorder. (often without
knowing this word)
We see certain things
but we feel powerless to do anything about them.
The truth is that there
is always something which we can do.
As neighbours, parents,
friends and relations, there are many things which we can do to help prevent
this disease before it “sets in". It
begins during childhood
and even small things can make a difference in the life of this child or
young adult.
And once the disease has
set in and real suffering is taking place and it’s too late for prevention,
then we can still change certain things to
help the sufferer find
a treatment and be cured without stigmatising them in any way.
We must act to prevent
the worst because unfortunately, some patients do not hesitate to choose
the "worst solutions " to put an end
to their suffering.
We are of course looking for volunteers able to assist us in this "crusade".
Patients, ex-patients, the family circle, mental health providers, general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, lawyers as well as anyone who feels concerned about this disease.
Yes! I would like to know
more about the way I can help to prevent the disease and help those who
suffer from "borderline" personality
You can also contact us
We do our best to be easy
to reach, despite our meagre resources
Please use the forms adapted
to your request and only use email for other enquiries
Non-profit organization conforming to a law passed in July 1th, 1901 and
the decree of August 16th, 1901
created in 2OO2 Statutes modified in prefecture of Lyon, august 2OO6- Statutes
(*) Citation of the american psychiatric association (APA) : "Borderline personality disorder is the most common personality disorder in clinical settings, and it is present in cultures around the world. However, this disorder is often incorrectly diagnosed or underdiagnosed in clinical practice...".(*) Citation of BPDCentral Q: "My therapist doesn't seem to know very much about BPD. What should I do?"
A: "Your therapist is very typical. If you read this entire site, you may know more about BPD than the average therapist. In addition, your therapist may suspect BPD, but not have mentioned it" (all rights reserved)(*) Citation of Tara APD "Borderline personality disorder (BPD) may be among the most stigmatized of mental disorders. It is often undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or treated inappropriately... Doctors and the psychiatric community continuously trivialize BPD or deem these patients non-treatable, often refusing to treat them. The public is by and large unaware of BPD.
Families of people with BPD receive little or no help in understanding BFD or in coping with their loved ones with this disorder". (all rights reserved)(*) Citation of Borderline UK "Unfortunately, there are still health professionals in the world who regard personality disorders as basically untreatable"
site is made with fund of the aapel's organization and it is sponsorship
free. We don't receive funding from advertising.
policy: We take the issue of personal privacy very seriously. Please take
a look at our "code of ethics"
In accordance with the law "informatique and liberte"
Jan 06th 1978, you have an access, modify and cancel right to your informations
by contacting the aapel's secretariat
update 2020
- All rights reserved
founder of the Aapel
by Maureen
Site created on november 8th 2002
a trademark of "Ass Aide Personnes Etat Limite"