BPD is a mental disorder. It is therefore "logical" in the diagnosis DSM criterion to highlight the "dysfunctions" of those who suffer from it rather than the opposite (please see shortl test)What does the word "emophane"TM mean?I feel this vision very "unfair" (even if it is essential from a medical point of view). Unfair because it doesn't show the "positive" side of a BPD person.
I know that it is not really normal practice to define a person suffering from BPD (himself or herself) in a “positive” way (except for some who are in denial or splitting and who are trying to show an "image").
It is precisely for that very reason that I started to seek a positive vision of the borderline disorder , that I have named "emophane"TM , emophania or emophany.
An emophane person is someone who corresponds to the criteria and canons of emophany.What are the traits of an emophane person (or emophania, emophany )?
The question does not concern the possible negative consequences
of such traits (it is not always "funny" to be hypersensitive).Nor
does it concern the possible inability to put these traits into
practice because of the disorder, denial or depression. I can for example
be very sensitive inside, but nevertheless give the impression that I'm
as cold as marble... nonetheless, the fact remains that sensitivity in
one of my character traits.
One of the big fears of a BPD person is, in particular, "to lose oneself" in a therapy.And what would a "borderline" person be without BPD?Many are those who think (wrongly) that it is their borderline disorder which made them what they are now...
Thus, some may violently reject the BPD diagnosis because in their head, they would no more be "me" but "my disorder" (a kind of "I'm not any more me because me, it's a disorder"), situation highly destabilizing...Therefore they say, "if I'm sensitive it is because I have a borderline disorder"... or "who would I be without this disorder?"
The truth is that "it is not because I suffer from a borderline disorder that I'm sensitive, but because I'm sensitive that I was in a population at risk to develop a BPD".
Therefore, "To Recover from the disorder is not to loose my sensitivity but only to get rid of my borderline disorder traits", there is then no risk to loose myself in a therapy
He/she would be, in theory, an emophane !But it can hurt to be emophane!
An emophane person, who has the possibility to use their emophane "qualities" both to serve's him/herself and others and no longer use them for his/her own self-destruction and other splittings.
No-one is denying the fact. Yes, it can hurt to be emophane, more especially, as the world in which we live tends to be "non-emophane".What they say
But for all that:And if you had the choice between remaining emophane and becoming, with the wave of a magic wand, "non-emophane"... Do you think that the non-emophane that you'd become could love himself? I'm afraid not.
- Wouldn't a "emophane" world be more "beautiful" (with less destruction, conflicts, wars)? I think so.
- To be emophane, isn't it to have "beautiful" values? I think so.
- Should you then feel ashamed of being emophane? I don't think so.
Then why consider it a "tragedy" to be "emophane" when if actual fact you can see this as a gift!
"You are right that certain traits we see destructively exaggerated in BPD individuals are traits that we see in normal individuals and traits that in moderation or under effective control can be healthy and advantageous.Mini survey
Your characterization helps "un-demonize" BPD" (Daniel C Claiborn Ph.D. - Claiborn and Associates, Inc. - Kansas USA)
To make a comment:Click on the link to participate at a mini-survey "Are you emophane?"
Some results: (of course, other readings are possible)
With a sample of approximately 600 people having taken part in this "survey", we retained people having given their name or first name, who say to be BPD diagnosed, who provided their diagnosis year and with a maximum of 2 answers "I do not know". Were counted as "yes", the answers "yes" and "In fact yes even if I have problems to apply it".We thus retained more than 150 answers(exactly 172).
Resultts:81% of women and 19% of men
On the 16 points, the questioned people had an average of 14,7 points (either 94% of the emophane's criteria). (mini 10 points, maximum 16 points)
The results are between a minimum of 86% and a maximum of 99% according to the 16 criteria's
The 2 "lowest" criteria were "Creativity 86%" and "Naivety 86%"
The 2 "highest" criteria were "Altruism 98%" and "curiosity 99%"
Don't hesitate to contact us
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All the information
in this site is aimed at helping people understand a "rather particular"
and puzzling kind of disease
But more especially,
to support everyone affected by it, sick or not. In any case, it
to see a therapist who specialises in this
field they can confirm or give an alternative diagnosis
The name of what
you’ve got doesn’t matter so much, getting the right treatment for the
right patient does
last update 2019
(creation march 15th
federation - All rights reserved
is a trademark of Alain Tortosa
Alain Tortosa, founder of the Aapel
by maureen)